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Why Silence is Key in Closing the Deal (the Power of Listening in Making a Sale)

When it comes to successful negotiating, the magic solution is quite a simple one: learn how to listen.  The truth is, closing the deal has very little to do with what you have to say but everything to do with what your client has to say.  Keeping their mouth shut is typically very difficult for a salesperson, but when they do they gain a tremendous insight about the customer and their needs. The bottom line is this…the secret to selling involves learning your client’s pain points and you do that by listening more than talking.

Your Product is Less Important Than Meeting the Needs of Your Client

A salesperson’s first instinct is to pull out a demo of their product and start talking about all the bells and whistles.  They spend too much time giving a detailed description of every feature and function and never even stop to ask the client what their needs are.  An important rule of any negotiation is “you never lead with the what, you always lead with the why.” Why will your product be beneficial to the client?  How can your product help solve their problems? Never pitch your product without fully understanding the needs of your client.

Identify Your Client’s Pain Points

In order to find out what your client’s pain points are you need to start by asking them what they think they are.  Some clients will come right out and know exactly what they are while others will not even know they have a problem.  In this case, it is up to you to educate them on the problem they have so they will be able to see how your product can help.

Ask Good Questions

Rather than telling the client what they should and shouldn’t be doing, a good salesperson understands the power of asking good questions.  That means you need to ask the right questions that will help you identify the real pain points of your client.  For example, you can start by asking “Tell me more about what you don’t like about your current product?” Then, you can focus your pitch specifically on those needs.

All of these strategies are important in closing the deal but none of them will be possible without active listening.  The biggest liability most salespeople have is they never know when to stop talking.  All that does is bore the client.  Instead, consider only opening your mouth to ask questions.  Your client should feel as though you are there to listen to their needs and you are more concerned with listening than pitching a product.  In sales, listening is the most powerful tool one can possess.

Personality Traits All Good Negotiators Have in Common

There is one thing most people can agree on: Successful negotiation is no easy feat.  This is a skill that most people would love to improve.  Although there are hundreds of books about how to negotiate more effectively, sometimes this advice can be difficult to apply because the ability to negotiate has a lot to do with personality.   Some personality traits are indicative of good negotiation potential.  This isn’t to say that others can’t be good negotiators, but their success will depend largely on their ability to understand their own personality and build on those traits that are essential for negotiating successfully.  Nobody has all the traits of a world-class negotiator but the following skills are worth developing if you want to improve your negotiation skills.

Patience is the act of bearing pain or trials without complaint or frustration. In this day and age where immediate gratification is expected, the single most important word that a negotiator needs to remember is patience. Patience is the one thing that allows both sides to work through things that might be preventing the deal from happening.  When you slow down your natural desire to rush through the process, you give yourself time to fully understand the needs of your counterpart.  If you want to be successful you have to remember that being refused, delayed, or criticized is part of life.  Success comes to those who are patient.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.  In other words, you need to be able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.  In a negotiation, empathy is important because it allows you to see the other’s perspective and conduct the negotiation in a way that is beneficial for both parties. It is the foundation for good communication and is a necessary trait for great negotiators.

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles- both of which are necessary for others to trust you in a negotiation.  A negotiation is more than just a discussion or a signed agreement.  It is an unwritten judgment on the character and integrity of the participants.  Without integrity, no deal has very much value.  It is a necessary component for good negotiations.

Flexibility in negotiations refers to the willingness to change or modify.  You have probably set your goals and devised a negotiation strategy but midway through the negotiation, you realize the discussion isn’t going the way you had planned.  The key to closing the deal is learning to be flexible and modifying the situation.  If one approach doesn’t work, try another.  All good negotiators understand the need to be flexible.

Stamina is the ability to sustain prolonged mental effort.  Great negotiators are willing to keep working and moving right along when others seem to give up.    They know that you can’t win if you give up the fight.  Stamina is an important attribute of all great negotiators.

5 Tips to Sharpen Your Everyday Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is an essential part of our lives.  It is not just necessary in a corporate environment but it is just as important in our everyday lives.  Conflict has never benefitted anyone, therefore, it is better to learn how to discuss things and reach an alternative that is beneficial for all.  One should strive to consider the needs, interests, and expectations of others in order to bring about success.  While there is no denying the importance of good negotiation skills, the prospect of improving them can be overwhelming for many people.  The following tips can help you sharpen your skills to dramatically enhance your ability to negotiate successfully.

  1. Be Prepared

Never underestimate the power of being thoroughly prepared for negotiations.  Underprepared negotiators are more likely to make unnecessary concessions, overlook sources of value, and walk away from positive agreements.  This means you should be prepared before you negotiate in any setting.  Whether you are walking onto a car lot or into a business meeting, make sure you have done your research, know what you are looking for, and have a plan in place.  It can be helpful to practice these scenarios with a friend or colleague to build your confidence.

  1. Be Proactive About Negotiation Training

One of the best ways to improve your negotiation skills is by actively participating in a negotiation training course.  These classes can help you understand how key concepts relate to your own negotiations and they can offer solid advice for how to handle different situations.  Furthermore, it offers a great opportunity to practice with experts who can provide helpful feedback.

  1. Practice Makes Perfect

There is truth to the old adage that “practice makes perfect.”  It takes a great deal of time and practice in order to develop successful negotiation strategies.  Negotiation training is just the beginning but it is important for you to practice those skills in the real world.  Try out new strategies with friends, family, or colleagues who are likely to be forgiving of mistakes.  The bottom line is the more you practice the more comfortable and confident you will become.

  1. Be Ready to Make Mistakes

Like anything else, good negotiators have to fail before they become successful.  Making mistakes is a necessary part of the learning process and should be viewed as a teachable moment.  Make mental notes of things that went wrong and spend time reflecting on how you could have handled the situation differently.  Then, you will have new insight and thicker skin to bring to the table the next time around.

  1. Become a Better Listener

The best negotiators understand the importance of listening in a negotiation.  It is so easy to be thinking about what you are going to say next while the other person is talking, but then you end up missing the most important parts of the conversation.  When you learn how to become an effective listener, your counterpart is likely to feel respected and they will build trust with you.

How to Wrap Up a Negotiation

No negotiation is designed to go on and on forever.  In fact, timing is essential when trying to close a deal.  The longer your counterpart has to think things over, the more likely they are to make changes to the deal or even back out.  That’s why one of the most important skills for a negotiator is the ability to wrap things up.  Here are a few tips on how to successfully close a negotiation.

Be Open and Straightforward

Negotiating requires the exchange of all sorts of information with a partner.  Therefore, it makes sense to have a good idea of exactly what you are willing to offer and what you want to see in exchange.  Lay it all out clearly so there is less gray area and confusion.  In order for the negotiation to close and be fruitful, both parties need to present their claims honestly and directly.

Listen to the Needs of Your Counterpart

The quickest way to wrap up a negotiation is to make sure the other side gets what they want.  It might sound easy enough, but oftentimes negotiations drag on because the other party can’t tell you exactly what they want or you aren’t willing to budge.  The key is to listen to the other side and let their voice be heard.  Find out what is motivating them and come up with a solution that will meet their needs while also benefitting you as well.  It is up to the negotiator to find out what their counterpart’s needs are and how they can help them meet those goals.

Have a Backup Plan

Many people waste loads of time working on a negotiation that isn’t going anywhere.  That’s why before you begin you need to have a backup plan in case things go awry.  Having a plan in place can help bring about a new strategy that can be beneficial for both parties, or in some cases, it might involve knowing when to walk away and terminate the negotiation altogether.

Take a Good Final Look

Signing the contract is the final phase in the negotiation process.  It is also your last chance to look over the deal and make any last-minute modifications.  Take this time to analyze the terms carefully to make sure everything is properly in order.

In order to be a proficient negotiator, you must understand the importance of communication, active listening, and have the ability to present your goals clearly.  Good strategies, a well thought out plan, and good communication will help you conclude negotiations in the most efficient way possible.

3 Negotiation Tactics That Have Stood the Test of Time

The ability to negotiate well impacts so many key aspects of our lives, both personally and professionally.  We negotiate everything from our salaries and deals with clients, to buying a car and divvying up household chores.  For some professionals, their job requires them to negotiate non-stop.  While it is such a common part of our lives, many people still approach negotiations being very guarded and wary.  It makes people uncomfortable and it is a skill that they have not practiced enough.  In order to be more successful, it is critical to take the proper steps necessary to become better negotiators.  One way to do that is by putting these timeless tactics into practice during future negotiations.  Here are 3 negotiation tactics that have proven to be effective over the years. Continue reading

4 Common Experiences That Will Benefit from Good Negotiation Skills

Why is negotiation such an important skill?  Negotiation comes in handy in all areas of life, not just in the workplace. While it might be uncomfortable for some, it is a necessary skill that can be beneficial in a variety of situations.  Therefore, it is important to change the common feeling of angst about negotiation and learn how to negotiate effectively in order to make the most out of any situation.  Here are 4 common experiences where negotiation skills can be very beneficial.

Asking for a Raise

It’s one of the most dreaded tasks for many people, but asking for a raise is a necessary (and common) part of life.  Summoning the courage to ask for more money is not easy, but having good negotiation skills can make it much easier. If you want a raise and you feel like you deserve it, timing and preparation are crucial to making that happen.  A good negotiator would enter this situation with all of the right tools. They would research what others in the field are being paid, present facts only and discuss their contributions, have a clear goal in mind, and understand that other things are negotiable besides money including perks and benefits.  When you possess good negotiation skills you are much more likely to get the raise you deserve.

Closing a Deal

If you are in the business world there will likely come a time when it is up to you to negotiate a deal.  It might be something large like working a big account with a client or it could be as simple as trying to find affordable insurance plans for your employees.  Whatever the situation, negotiation skills are critical in getting what you want.  Someone with seasoned negotiation skills knows how to work the deal so that both parties walk away thinking they are winners.  The ability to negotiate in the workplace can mean the difference between a successful career and one that is stagnant.  The people with good negotiation skills are more likely to advance because they are seen as an asset to the company.

Buying a Home

Like we stated before, negotiation skills come in handy in all areas of life, not just in the workplace.  At some point in their lives, most people will purchase a home and real estate agents are certainly expecting some negotiation.  There are plenty of things to negotiate when buying a home such as price, closing costs, home warranty, or maintenance issues.  Good negotiation skills can be very beneficial in this situation, ensuring that you get exactly what you want in your new home.

Buying a Car

Car dealerships are known for one thing…and that’s haggling.  It is expected that when you walk onto a car lot that you are going to try and negotiate everything from price to trade-in value to extra bells and whistles on the car.  Car salesmen are seasoned professionals at haggling so an inexperienced negotiator will have the disadvantage in this situation.  Good negotiation skills, on the other hand, can serve you well the next time you step on the car lot.

3 Negotiation Takeaways from Car Buying

Whether you are working a huge deal with a client, trying to get a pay raise, or desire more responsibility in the workplace, knowing how to negotiate is crucial.  However, learning how to negotiate is not something that comes easily and there is much more to it than you will ever learn in business school.  While they are often despised by many people, the truth is there is a lot you can learn from a car salesman.  Despite the stereotypes that car salesman are dishonest and use tricky tactics to rope people in, the fact is many of them are actually skilled negotiators.  If they didn’t know how to maintain the upper hand, they would simply be out of business.  Becoming familiar with the tactics of car salesmen can help you to become a more successful negotiator in the workplace.  Here are 3 negotiation strategies that you can take away from a car salesman. Continue reading

3 Qualities of a Great Salesperson

If you have ever been involved with sales, then you know that it’s not for the faint of heart.  Whether you are selling a pair of sneakers or pitching to a group of investors, making the sale depends on the appearance, knowledge, and charisma of the salesperson.  Not everyone is born with a natural knack for sales, but there are several qualities that you can learn to possess in order to be more successful.


Great salespeople don’t sit around waiting for orders.  They are go-getters and take the initiative to find clients.  They know their livelihood depends on their ability to close deals and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.  They take the time to learn the ins and outs of the product.  They spend time talking with clients in order to build a personal relationship with them.  They know how to emotionally connect with clients in order to meet their needs.  If there is something to be sold, a good salesperson will put in the effort necessary to make it happen.


A great salesperson isn’t afraid to strike up a conversation with anyone.  They enjoy meeting new people and they take a genuine interest in others.  They understand the power of networking and make it a point to get involved in various charities or organizations.  Most importantly, however, they enjoy talking to people and they know how to build personal relationships with clients that pay dividends over time.  People are much more likely to buy from someone they like, and a good salesperson knows how to get along well with others.  Likability goes a long way in sales, and that’s why people who are personable are successful in this field.


You have to learn to be thick-skinned if you are going to make it in sales.  At some point, everyone has to become familiar with the word “no.” Rejection is a very real part of sales and a great salesperson isn’t easily discouraged.  They don’t take it personally when they don’t get the sale.  Rather, they are confident and persistent.  They are not willing to just sit back and take “no” for an answer, but they are quick on their feet and continue working the lead.  Instead of giving up, a great salesperson seeks to understand their client’s problems in order to find a solution that best fits their needs. Their drive and determination makes them successful over time.

It is important for businesses to pay close attention to the recruitment process of salespeople.  These are just a few of the qualities to look for when hiring a salesperson.  The sales team is the heart of any business, so it is important to have the right people who understand how to relate to people and convince customers to buy.

6 Skills of Good Negotiators

We all have unique qualities and skills that we bring to our professional careers.  For some, these skills make us great negotiators, but for others, these skills might hinder our abilities.  While the ability to negotiate may not come naturally for all of us, the good news is that with proper coaching, training, and experience, we can learn to acquire the skills necessary to become great negotiators.  The following are six skills that can help you to become a better negotiator.

  1. Preparation

The best negotiators are those who know things that can go wrong, oftentimes do go wrong.  Negotiation is a process that encompasses several moving parts, all of which can change at any given moment.  Good negotiators expect the unexpected and prepare accordingly.  They prepare for a variety of situations and come prepared to handle each scenario.  This might not always guarantee a successful negotiation, but without good preparation they know they are headed for certain failure.

  1. Patience

The advantage always lies with the patient negotiator. Negotiation can be a complex process that takes time and the person who is patient and persistent is more likely to come out ahead.  Impatient negotiators are so desperate to reach a conclusion that they often end up making costly mistakes.  However, good solutions often come to those who wait.

  1. Listening

There is no doubt that the best negotiators are the ones who spend less time talking and more time asking questions and listening. Gathering information and thoroughly understanding the needs of their counterpart is the best way to build trust and work towards a winning solution for both parties.

  1. Confidence

If you are negotiating with an aggressive party, they will quickly notice your lack of confidence and use it to their advantage.  Great negotiators understand the importance of exuding confidence during a negotiation.  Approaching negotiation with confidence will allow you to take more risks and ultimately end up with more successes.

  1. Emotional Control

It can be easy for some people to get really excited when they sense a negotiation is going well because they know they are close to closing a deal.  Likewise, these same people tend to let their emotions get the best of them and lose focus and their temper when things don’t go their way.  Great negotiators know how to control their emotions in order to stay focused and continue pressing forward with the negotiation.

  1. Flexibility

Negotiation is a process that can be changing at all times.  The opening offer or the counter offer is never the final solution.  Experienced negotiators understand this and know how to be flexible in order to work the deal.  They are prepared to offer a range of solutions rather than a black or white answer.  They propose solutions that will be beneficial to both parties and are more likely to work toward a win-win negotiation.

4 Ways Negotiation Skills Will Help Your Career

While hard work, determination, and a bit of good luck all play a big role in getting ahead in the workplace, the ability to negotiate is another key ingredient that is often overlooked.  When an employee has the ability to recognize and capitalize on opportunities, they are more likely to advance in their career.  Because everything in the workplace is constantly up for negotiation, the advantages of possessing strong negotiation skills will help you get ahead.  In today’s increasingly competitive market, the ability to negotiate effectively is more valuable than ever before.  Let’s take a look at four ways strong negotiation skills can be beneficial for your career.

You Know How to Create a Win-Win Situation

Contrary to what many believe, a successful negotiation does not involve a winner and a loser.  Rather, negotiation has nothing to do with “beating” the other party.  Rather, the best negotiators are the ones who can create a win-win situation in which all parties involved walk out the door thinking the deal was a good one.  This will be beneficial when dealing with customer relationships, negotiating salary increases, dealing with co-workers, and even interviewing for a promotion. There is no question that finding a deal that makes everyone happy is a difficult task, but that is why this type of negotiator is so highly valued.

Good Negotiators are Well-Respected

Respect is an essential part of business.  If you want to get the most out of your employees it is important that they respect you.  The same is true when you are trying to negotiate with vendors, clients, or colleagues.  Someone who is a successful negotiator is likely to leave a lasting impression on those they communicate with, earning their respect.  You will not be looked at as a pushover, but rather someone who knows how to effectively communicate to create a win-win outcome.  This will help you to earn the respect of co-workers, managers, and clients. You are more likely to stand out, increasing your opportunity for advancement in the workplace.

Good Negotiators are Good Communicators

In order to be a successful negotiator, it is imperative that you can communicate effectively with your counterpart.  That involves actively listening to the other party in order to address their needs.  Good negotiators also know how to express themselves in a way that is clear, concise, and convincing.  This type of communication skill will serve you well in terms of career advancement.  Businesses want employees who can communicate well with their team and their clients.  Therefore, the ones who demonstrate the best communication skills are more likely to be considered for advancement and promotions.

You Will Become an Asset to Your Company

The goal of any business is to make a profit and that’s exactly what good negotiators are able to do.  Someone who has vast knowledge and experience with negotiating is far more likely to close more deals and bring in more revenue.  Your ability to negotiate effectively and close deals will make you a huge asset to your company and will ultimately lead to advancement opportunities.

Learning how to be an effective negotiator can be challenging and takes a great deal of practice but in the end it will reap great benefits for your career.  Good negotiators are more valuable to a company, making them much more likely to be considered for salary increases and promotions.