Handling Difficult People in Negotiations: Tips and Techniques

Handling Difficult People in Negotiations: Tips and Techniques


In the business world, you will undoubtedly find yourself negotiating with all different kinds of people. Some people are naturally calm while others are more emotional and difficult to deal with. Handling difficult people in negotiations can be a challenging task, and can leave you feeling uncomfortable. However, you may encounter these people in any industry so it is essential that you are well prepared. Here we will look at some tips and techniques for dealing with difficult people in negotiations. 

1. Stay Calm and Composed

The most important thing you can do when negotiating with a difficult person is to remain calm and composed. When faced with someone who is being confrontational, it’s easy to let your emotions take over and become defensive. However, it is important to remain calm and level-headed and only respond in a professional manner. Staying calm will prevent the situation from escalating any further. 

2. Listen

One of the most effective tools for dealing with difficult people is simply to listen. Oftentimes, people get combative because they don’t feel like their concerns are being heard. That’s why it is crucial to listen to the other person’s concerns and perspective. This demonstrates empathy and understanding, which can help build a rapport with the other person. 

3. Offer Solutions

If you show up to a meeting with difficult people and you don’t have any solutions prepared, this may be seen as a sign of weakness. Difficult people may be unwilling to brainstorm solutions with you and instead focus solely on their own position. Showing up prepared with some solutions to offer can help level the playing field. 

4. Be Assertive

Many people who are difficult to negotiate with have strong personalities and believe they should be the one controlling the conversation. In these cases, be assertive when it comes to presenting your own ideas. Don’t back down and shy away when the other person is asserting their position. Rather, match them with your own position and strength. You can do this in a professional way that comes across as confident. Doing so will likely help you establish respect and credibility with the other person. 

5. Be Flexible

Flexibility can also be helpful when dealing with difficult people. Be willing to compromise and find creative solutions in order to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. 

6. Set Boundaries

If you know you will be dealing with a difficult person, it is important to establish boundaries that cannot be crossed. Be firm in upholding your own interests and do not allow yourself to be coerced or manipulated into making concessions. Setting clear boundaries will help you stand your ground and navigate challenging situations.


Handling difficult people in negotiations requires patience, communication, and assertiveness. By staying calm, listening, and setting clear boundaries you can navigate these challenges while also improving your negotiation skills. If you want to learn more about how to handle challenging negotiations, consider enrolling in one of our Negotiation Training workshops. Call today or sign-up online and learn the skills necessary to become a more effective negotiator both personally and professionally.