Unique Challenges Women Face in Negotiations and How to Overcome Them

Negotiation is a critical business skill, and while both men and women engage in negotiation in professional settings, women often face unique challenges that can impact their ability to achieve successful outcomes. Women must be able to balance assertiveness with likability, overcome gender bias, and handle stereotypes in order to avoid being undervalued. In this article, we will explore some of the challenges women often encounter in negotiations as well as strategies for overcoming them. 

Balancing Assertiveness with Likability

One of the primary challenges women face in negotiating is the perception of assertiveness. Research has shown that women who “assert” themselves and advocate for their interests are often perceived as aggressive or bossy, while men who are assertive are seen as confident. To navigate this, women should focus on the value they bring, using factual statements to support their positions. At the same time, women should be mindful of their body language to ensure they are displaying positivity and confidence. 

Gender Stereotypes

Another common issue women face is gender bias. Studies show that women’s achievements and skills are often undervalued. Furthermore, society has long held stereotypes about women being more nurturing, emotional, and accommodating, which can influence the way they are perceived in a negotiation setting. This can put them at a disadvantage when it comes to negotiating for their own interests. To overcome this, women should be well-informed about industry standards and able to articulate their value and contributions confidently. 


Furthermore, research has shown that women often face challenges related to self-doubt and lack of confidence. They are more likely to underestimate their abilities and value, which can impact their ability to negotiate. To overcome this, women should build confidence through self-affirmation, positive self-talk, and practicing their negotiation skills in a supportive environment. 


Women face a range of challenges in negotiations due to societal stereotypes, social expectations, and gender bias. However, by being aware of these challenges and actively working to overcome them through assertive communication and building self-confidence, women can improve their negotiation skills and achieve better outcomes. It is essential for women to advocate for themselves, and one way to do this is by employing strategies they have learned in a negotiation training program. At Bold New Directions, our negotiation workshops help women learn how to break down barriers that may hinder their success in negotiating, so they can improve their skills in a professional environment. Call today to learn more about our negotiation training programs and how they can help you achieve your goals!